School bus passes are available for purchase from May 1st to June 30th for the 2024/2025 school year.
Yearly transit passes are available for purchase online, though you may purchase monthly passes from various locations in the city:
- City Hall
- Village Reddi-Mart
- Downtown Reddi-Mart
- Direct Charge Co-op
- Sutherland’s Drugs
- Ruth Inch Memorial Pool
- Fieldhouse

Our Services

School Bus Service
Charter Service

City Transit Service
**School calendars are available on their respective school board websites – school buses do not run on holidays or days with no school.**
**Cold Weather Disclaimer**
**Students should be well dressed while waiting for the bus in the winter months, as road conditions or other incidents could cause buses to be slightly later than normal when doing their regular routes. Students should be at their bus stops 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive, so it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure their child(ren) are well dressed.
In the event that the weather is too cold, or roads too dangerous for buses to safely traverse, there is a chance that bus services will be closed. This will be done at the discretion of the bus company, and parents will be informed of any shutdowns.
In the event that a bus route is shut down, parents of the passengers affected will be contacted as soon as possible, so that alternate transportation can be planned. When possible, children will be put on other bus routes, but this is not guaranteed, depending on the amount of children on the buses, so alternate transportation should be planned when possible.**